1. Stipulation of possessing specialized knowledge or skills
Considering that there is still only limited demand for fully opening the employment of foreign teachers by short-term tutorial schools (
buxibans), and in order to respond to future potential demand and reduce any ensuing impact, a policy of conditional and steady opening has been adopted, which Article 4 of the Foreign Professionals Act provides for by specifying that a foreign national “possessing specialized knowledge or skills, and approved as a short-term tutorial school teacher by the central competent authority of the industry concerned in consultation with the Ministry of Education” comes within the definition of professional work for the purposes of the Act.
Pursuant to these provisions, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has announced the
Scope of Specialized Knowledge or Skills in the Digital Content Industry Required for Teaching as Professional Work under Article 4 Subparagraph 4 Item 3 of the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals. For content, please refer to the related link.
2. Stipulation of the qualification and review standards for working as a foreign teacher in a short-term tutorial school
For short-term tutorial schools registered in accordance with the Supplementary Education Act, the employment of (1) full-time foreign language teachers, or (2) those possessing specialized knowledge or skills, and approved as short-term tutorial school teachers by the central competent authority of the industry concerned in consultation with the Ministry of Education.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Foreign Professionals Act, the Ministry of Labor has prescribed the
Qualification and Review Standards for the Employment of Foreign Professionals to Teach in Short-Term Tutorial Schools. For content, please refer to the related link.