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[Sharing] Ministry of the Interior - Advocacy of Amendment of Nationality Act - Interview Report of Foreign Nationals who have made special contributions to the ROC or with high-level professionals
[Press Release by the Ministry of the Interior]
In order to appreciate the great contribution to our society made by the naturalized persons, and to achieve the policy goal of retaining and recruiting talents, and to take into account that the reluctance of most excellent foreigners to renounce their original nationality, Article 9 of the Nationality Act was amended and promulgated on December 21, 2016, which relaxed the requirements that the naturalized persons who have made special contributions to the ROC (Taiwan) and for the high-level professionals needed by our country without having to renounce their original nationalities.
The Ministry of the Interior, in cooperation with the Taiwan Panorama Magazine of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, reported foreign nationals who have been granted citizenship based on their high levels of skill or special contributions, sharing their related experiences in Taiwan and moving stories to obtain our nationality, and in July 2019 published a cover story , 【At Home in Taiwan】Introducing four naturalized citizens, including Rifat Karlova, who won a Golden Bell Award for best TV travel show host; artist Ivan Yehorov, who has depicted rural life and customs from across Taiwan; Dr. Peter Kenrick, who has been practicing medicine here for over 34 years; and world-famous pianist Rolf-Peter Wille. Visit the relevant coverage below.

Retrieved from Ministry of the Interior

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