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20180817 Notice of the draft "New Economic Immigration Bill"

The bill has been announced for public comments from Aug. 6 to Oct. 5, 2018 on NDC's Public Policy Participation Platform.


The Chinese and English versions of the general description and articles of the bill have been released on the following websites:


1. The National Development Council's “Main Operations- Human Resources Development” webpage (https://www.ndc.gov.tw/Content_List.aspx?state=F5D336F102ACBC68&n=23A01384BEEFEBAA另開新視窗)

2. The Public Policy Participation Platform's “Notice on the Draft of Act” webpage (https://join.gov.tw/policies/detail/1b688f9c-5f05-47ce-ab56-10820643a38a另開新視窗 )

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