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20171031NDC Press Release on Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals

Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals Approved


Nov. 7, .2017


         Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals is approved by the Legislative Yuan of ROC, marking a milestone in Taiwan's talent recruitment system.


         The draft of Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals drawn up by NDC was approved by the Legislative Yuan on October 31, 2017. Minister Chen, Mei-ling, of National Development Council appreciated the support from legislators of each political party to make the draft Act pass the examination in the Legislative Yuan, and mark a milestone in Taiwan's talent recruitment system.


         Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals proposes to relax the regulations regarding visa, employment, stay and residence for foreign professionals; and to improve their treatment relating to insurance, tax, and retirement. The Act aims to build a friendly environment that attracts foreign professionals to come to work and live in Taiwan, so as to promote industrial upgrading and transformation, and enhance Taiwan's international competitiveness. The key measures proposed by the Act are listed as follows:


1. Relaxation of regulations on work, visa, and residence:

(1) Foreign special professionals are able to apply for "Employment Gold Card", which is more convenient for foreigners to transfer work or seek jobs; the term of such work permits have been expanded from 3 years to five years.

(2) Foreign freelance artists are allowed to obtain work permits without applying for them through employers.

(3) Cram schools in Taiwan are allowed to hire foreign teachers with expertise or professional skills for teaching.

(4) Foreign professionals looking for jobs in Taiwan are eligible to apply for employment-seeking visa.

(5) The required minimum duration of stay of 183 days per year for maintaining permanent residency is abolished.

2. Easing of provisions concerning stay or residence of parents, spouses, and children

(1) The requirements for spouses, minor children, or disabled adult children of permanent resident foreign professionals applying for permanent residence are eased.

(2) When senior foreign professionals apply for permanent residence in Taiwan, their spouses, minor children, or disabled adult children are eligible to apply simultaneously.

(3) Requirements are eased for foreign professionals’ adult children who meet the specified conditions to apply for work permits without going through an employer.

(4) The visitor visas for the lineal ascendants of foreign professionals are extended to allow for a stay of up to one year at a time.

3. Providing benefits on retirement, insurance, and tax

(1) Foreign professionals who have been approved for permanent residence shall be included in the retirement pension system under the Labor Pension Act. A foreign professional who is currently employed as a full-time, qualified, paid teacher in a public school in Taiwan may opt for either a one-time lump sum pension payment or a monthly pension.

(2) The requirement of a full six months of residence in Taiwan for spouses, minor children, or disabled adult children of foreign professionals to participate in National Health Insurance as insured persons is abolished.

(3) Foreign special professionals who work in Taiwan and have salary income of more than NT$ 3 million a year can deduct half of their salary for taxation for the first 3 years.


         To enhance the efficacy of the Act, NDC is now making efforts to coordinate related ministries to complete relevant regulations and measures. The Act and subordinate regulations are expected to be implemented before the lunar new year of 2018. At the same time, NDC will also move forward to its next step to coordinate related ministries to actively formulate policies to attract foreign talents and kick off a new round of global talent recruitment action.

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